Date: 05 December 2023
Author: April Thurston
FEO's annual AGM was held on the 16th November 2023 with good attendance from members and Key Partners. Please find the recorded minutes below.
1. Welcome and Introduction
Peter Aarosin FEO Chairman welcomed attendees and thanked them for their loyalty to FEO over the past 12 months.
2. Financial Headlines
The FEO Balance sheet and income statement were displayed for members to observe. Peter asked for the approval of accounts, Jonathan Leafe accepted and Martin Lauer Second. There were no further questions.
3. Executive Overview
Jan Brumby our CEO presented her executive overview which included a summary of our events and activity in 2022/23 year and an overview of all the programmes FEO offer. She made acknowledgements to members, key partners and stakeholders for their continued support and loyalty to FEO. Jan encouraged stakeholders to suggest speakers or themes for FEO events in 2023 and beyond and is currently putting together the calendar of event. It was suggested that the FEO Breakfasts should continue.
4. Peter Aarosin asked if there were any further questions – Jonathan Leafe asked what’s next for FEO, JB responded saying that FEO has particular membership criteria and that members must join for the right reason meaning we put quality over quantity. PA and JB asked for signposting requests, ideas for event themes, suggested speakers and peer group enquiries to be directed to the FEO team.
5. There being no further business the meeting closed at 1.45pm
Thank you to all Members and Key Partners for your contribution and and loyalty to our CIC.