About us

For Entrepreneurs Only (FEO) is the trusted voice of the Private Sector in Hull & East Riding of Yorkshire. We are an independent and vibrant peer group of over 200 like-minded local entrepreneurs representing successful private-sector businesses of all sectors and sizes. Our members collectively turn over more than £4bn and employ 25,000 people.

The big objective of FEO is to help grow the local economy within Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. We need more wealth creation, more quality high paying jobs, more money spent locally - staying in the local economy and more opportunity for young people to develop their careers here, rather than having to look elsewhere. We prioritise help, support and advice for starting businesses and growth.

Our aim is to ensure Hull & East Yorkshire is a great place to start, adapt and grow a business. FEO is an important and respected voice in helping shape ideas and influence others. We are a collective of like-minded people who appreciate what success looks like and believe the region can be much more successful.

FEO’s range of entrepreneur-led programmes and events give business owners across Hull & East Yorkshire the unique opportunity to give back by sharing their expertise and experience with others, whilst also enjoying the benefits of peer-to-peer support and business advice.

All FEO programmes and toolkits are available at no cost to end users and vital support comes from our valued Key Partners. These major names offer financial assistance along with active support.

Our members are at the centre of everything FEO does.

Our members range from the owners of some of the region’s largest and most successful businesses to members who are at the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey.

What our members say

Lloyd Atkin

What our members say

FEO appealed to me as a forum for personal development through peer learning and gives me the opportunity to try and help others avoid the mistakes I have made in my career. I only wish I had found it earlier in my own development.

Lloyd Atkin - Bio-D

We intend to

Inspire young people and influence business and entrepreneurship as a career option.

Support and inspire those starting a business in Hull & East Yorkshire

Provide business advice and help business owners to develop their soft skills alongside all aspects of their business’s performance.

Steer ambitious business owners towards a growth mindset.

Interested in FEO membership?

Key Partners

Connexin logo
Cranswick logo
Gosschalks logo
Horncastle logo
John Good Group logo
MKM logo
Neill and Brown logo
Smailes Goldie logo
The One Point logo